Abby Maria Stark

Loki's Sceptre changed everything.



Extra Information


Name: Abby Maria Stark

Power Status: Mutant

Age: 22

Mother: Diana Russo (Deceased)

Father: Tony Stark

Gender: Female

D/O/B: April 4th

Hair Colour: Raven Black

Eye Colour: Hazelnut (sometimes brown or green depending on the day)

Birthplace: New York City

Sexuality: Bisexual

The relationship between Abby and her father is rocky. Once her mother Diana passed away, Tony gained full custody. He wasn't the person who cared about children. In fact, he couldn't give two cents of his time unless he had to put on an act for the public.


Mutant Hero name: Black Siren

On the day of the Centauri attack on New York City in 2012, Loki tried to control Abby with his sceptre to persuade Tony to give up in exchange for his daughter's life. However, it did not go as Loki planned. As soon as the God of Mischief touched Abby's chest with his sceptre, it unlocked hidden powers within her. Her mother was from a line of those who carried a mutated gene within them, and it skipped generations from time to time.

Abby's mother told her that there was a low chance of gaining powers. However, the energy within Loki's sceptre allowed her powers to manifest.

The raven-haired has the abilities of telekinesis, control of others by her voice and teleportation.

Extra Information

Once Abby gained her powers, S.H.I.E.L.D took her in for testing. Fury and her father wondered why she was not mind-controlled by Loki's sceptre like everyone else who came into contact with it. After a month of lab tests, Tony discovered the mutated gene within his daughter. This gene was unbeknownst to him because Diana was not aware that her daughter would gain powers.